Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kid Art with Painters Tape

I saw this idea on Pinterest a long time ago and have wanted to do it with Rowin ever since. Since we've been doing a lot of painting over here (now I've started painting all of our dining room chairs!), Rowin has been wanting to help. I actually did let him help me paint one of the chairs, which I was pretty proud of myself for not being a total control freak, but I thought this was a good time to get him a painting project of his own.

All you need is a canvas (any size), painters tape, a paintbrush, and paint. We used Crayola washable paint. You could use whatever you like. I bought two long rectangular canvases because I want to hang them in Rowin's room.

First, tape off a design onto the canvas. Then have your kiddo paint the entire thing. Make sure they paint all the way up to the tape and don't leave any white spaces because then you won't really be able to see the design from the tape.

You could paint these a million different ways. Rowin ended up painting each section a different color which turned out really cool. Older kids could do different patterns or designs in each section. Younger kids could literally smear the paintbrush through all of the colors, glob it over the entire canvas, and it would still turn out really pretty! This is one of those "great for any age" crafts.

Once your child has painted the entire thing, pull all of the tape off. We did while it was still a little wet. And look how pretty! I seriously love it! He hasn't painted the other one yet, but I'm excited to add them to his bedroom for a nice pop of color.

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