Sunday, November 8, 2015

Letter H

Ok, I'm feeling a little stuck. For the last couple weeks, Rowin has had a bit of a bad attitude when we do school. Either he says he wants to do it and then h'e grouchy while we're working or he says he doesn't want to do school today.....hmmm. I definitely don't want to force it. I want him to love school and learning, so part of me says, "Well, let's forget it then." But then a lot of the time, he does love it and it's something fun that we can do together. So, I don't know! Is this normal!? I'm feeling a bit confused about how to proceed. With the holidays approaching, I'm thinking we will at least slow things down a bit-do more holiday crafts and activities and spread each letter out over a longer period of time. If he's not loving it, I think I'll back off for a while.
All that to say, our past week was pretty scattered. I don't know if there was one day where we actually sat down and did everything I had planned. I was trying to figure him out, so it was more like a game here, a craft there spread throughout the week.
So, in no particular order, here are some of the activities we did this week:

Find the Letter Game
I spread out all of the flashcards we've learned so far and then said a letter + it's sound. Rowin had to find the card with the matching letter.

Letter Hunt
He had to find all of the capital and lowercase H's to finish the maze.

Shape Review
These pages were from his Dollar Store workbook. He did square, circle, triangle, and rectangle.

Pumpkin Number Match
Unfortunately, I made this back when I was teaching kindergarten so I don't have a link for you. I'm sure you could find something similar on Pinterest though!

Letter Basket
We found the following H items around our house: horses, helicopters, hamburger, Hans, hammer.

Block Letter
Ro traced it with his finger and then filled it in with candy corns.

We did "air writing" to learn how to write a capital and lowercase H. Then Rowin practiced writing them in his workbook.

House Craft
We made a house out of the letter H and then Ro added people and pets.

Pumpkin Banner
Robin made several pumpkins by making a fist with both hands and sticking his fists in orange paint. Then, with both hands together, he pressed his fists onto the paper to make little pumpkins. This is what our paper looked like when we were done. :)

We added some stems, cut out the pumpkins and turned them into a little fall banner.