Sunday, September 20, 2015

Letter C

Week 3! Rowin has the hang of our routine now. He finishes his breakfast and heads right over to his little table. I'm still having a hard time keeping Rayna (15 months) entertained while we "work". She just wants to do whatever her big brother is doing. My biggest success was giving her a paper towel roll and a car. That kept her busy all of 4 minutes. Seriously. Suggestions?! Please help!!

Anywhooo, here was our week...

Day 1:
*Bible Story/Memory Verse (still Matthew 22:37)
*Calendar/Weather + mini weather unit
-I had Rowin identify pictures of different kinds of weather and different types of clothing. We talked about how we wear different clothes depending on the weather. (I had these as part of a weather set, but you could draw, print, or make these yourself if you wanted to.)
 -I explained what a chart is and how we use charts to show and understand information. We filled in the following chart together, discussing what we would wear for each type of weather. (They didn't fit in my pocket chart, so we just did it on the floor.)

*Reviewed A&B flashcards and introduced C
*Letter Hunt-he found all of the C's

*Letter Basket-he found the following items around our house that begin with the C sound: cat, crayon, cake, cookie, computer, cup, cow, car, cough drop.

Day 2:
*Bible Story/Memory Verse (This time, I said the verse with our motions, and left out words as I said it. Rowin had to say the missing words.)
*Calendar/Weather + mini weather unit
-We reviewed what we talked about on Day 1 and then I asked him if he's ever seen a cloud that looked like an animal or another object. I told him I had a poem called Cloud Parade (this was a Scholastic resource I found in one of my old teaching bins). I explained what a poem is and then read it to him.

I showed him all of the cloud pictures and he guessed what he thought it looked like. Then we lifted it up to see what picture was underneath. You could literally just draw white blobs and do the same thing-have your kiddo decide what he thinks they look like.

*Reviewed A-C flashcards
*Block Letter (link is on Letter A post)
-First he traced it with his finger
-Next, he drove a car on it a few times, starting at the top every time.
-Then, he filled it in with play dough.

-Just like last week, I modeled how to write capital and lowercase C's. Then I wrote several and he gave me a thumbs up or thumbs down if I wrote it correctly. If he gave me a thumbs down, he told me what I did wrong. (I make sure to do some backwards and some starting at the bottom-common mistakes.)

-He practiced tracing C's in his workbook.

Day 3:
*Bible Story/Memory Verse
*Name Practice-Since we read the Cloud Parade poem yesterday, today we made a cloud out of marshmallows that looked like his name. :) He traced his name with glue and added the marshmallows. (Idea from

*Reviewed A-C flashcards
*Dot Marker Page (link is on Letter A post)

*Car Craft (idea for this from

And then there's this one. She climbs right up like she's going to do everything with us. Soon enough, sweet girl. Soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Incredible!
    I remember doing some of these same exercises for middle school level foreign languages! What a gift you have, Jules. So glad that you are getting to teach again and that you have such an awesome pupil.
