Sunday, August 30, 2015

Switching Gears

Hi! I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I just haven't sat down to write in a while. Sorry! Now that summer is winding down a bit, we are going to be switching gears into Preschool Mode! Rowin will be four in November and this year is attending a "Parents Day Out" program. He'll still have a whole year of preschool after that before he's in kindergarten. While we love the program he goes to, it's really not academic at all, so I thought this year, I'd start supplementing with a little Preschool at Home. I'm talking pretty laid back, three days a week, we'll see how it goes kind of thing. :)

But I thought I'd give you a heads up if you have a 3-5 year old and would like to follow along with us, here's roughly what I'm thinking...three days a week, focusing mostly on a new letter each week.
Here's kind of what the breakdown will look like (I'm thinking about a half an hour a day?)...

Day 1:
*Bible Story and Memory Verse-We love our Jesus Calling Bible Storybook. I haven't tried memorizing Scripture with him yet, so we'll see how that goes!
*Introduce the Letter of the Week and learn it's sound
*Some Kind of a Letter Hunt or Match
*Beginning Sound Basket-Collecting objects that start with the Letter of the Week

Day 2:
*Bible Story/Memory Verse
*Review letter/sound
*Practice Tracing/Writing the Letter
*Other writing practice

Day 3:
*Bible Story/Memory Verse
*Review letter/sound
*Letter Craft Activity

I'll sprinkle in name practice, numbers, counting, shapes, colors, rhyming, etc. too but I think we'll focus a lot of our time on learning the letters.

If you'd like to join us, I'll try to start posting some of the materials we're using as well-lots of Dollar Store grabs and free printables-all easily accessible stuff. I'm excited to feel like I'm a teacher again! :)

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